Sunday, October 21, 2007


Cloudless. Perfect.
The moon reborn
Perfet darkness
Pierced by a milky band

Biting cold
The crunch of snow
A well trod path
Marking where to go

Stars in their flight
Twinkling. Dancing.
Look up in the sky!
They're filling the black
with heavenly light

Stand on a hill
Watching heroes of old
A testament to their Creator
In each ancient form

Andromeda, Hercules
Orion the great
Cassiopeia, the Bears
And Boötes to shepherd them all

Under a canopy of lights
Shooting stars as they fall
Standing there in awe
In wonder of it all


Brother in Arms

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lights and Sounds

Colours play against a blank face
Red and blue and green and white
Chain him where he sits

Captured by lights and sounds

Drama's twists and soap opera sleaze
Captivate a dead imagination
As she rests, a slave to fantasy

Captured by lights and sounds

Tin-canned laughter,
Moans, jeers and groans
Bend a will to emotions not felt

Captured by lights and sounds

An Orwellian reality defined by whims
Of moguls who laugh as the world
Pays homage to a glowing oracle

Captured by lights and sounds


Brother in Arms