So, exciting news in the land of Mike... I went to take my test for my G2 yesterday (after only, what... 17 months??) and passed!! w00t!!! So I can now drive on my own... look out pedestrians, here I come! jk...
In other news, there is only 9 (or is it 8...) more school days remaining before exam-scariness and then... SUMMER!!! As to what I am doing this summer, well that is still up in the air. The Summer Work Exchange people have yet to get to me, and thus all my summer plans or any summer plans I might make are on hold. Blah. I'm thinking I will give up on them soon and just do my own thing, get a summer job or what-not. I could go back to HV (4 Life!!!) but the parentals are not so hot on that as I am now driving and there are all sorts of nice expences which go with that. FON.
Anyway, today is the Junior High pool party for the grade fives, which should be fun, except for the slight wind-chill which is not so much. But it will all be good.
Waiting for summer,
Brother in Arms
Breaking the Silence
5 weeks ago
:D:D:D EXCITING!! :D:D:D Congrats again!