Well, today is June 1st which means that it has been a full month since I last posted. Laaaaammmmeeee! I've just had no/little time for the internet of late (other than the passive workings of µTorrent) as I have been crazy busy of late. WITH A JOB! Exciting, I know. I have officially left the club of un-employed slobs (sorry Morgan) and have moved into the bright, shiny world of Canadian Tire! I've been working there for about three weeks now, and all I have to say is that training in the seasonal department is more of a trial by fire than anything else. Crazy customers, getting swamped with stock, getting a good workout from all the heavy lifting I am responsible for... yup, life is good. A bit painful, but good. I'm even getting tonnes of hours there, which is really nice. In the North Peterborough area? Drop by and say hi!
I do this.
I can't believe I missed this! Must have something to do with playing Chrono Trigger with the sound off or really low, but we have been getting Rick Roll'd for 14 years!
Helped Seana and her room mates move into their apartment today. It went fairly smoothly, with the exception of the bunk bed for Seana and Ailin. Ailin and I started putting it together and managed to finish the bottom part no problem. Three hours, three college students and three black belts later, the top part was together. It seems that someone in the manufacturing plant where the bunk bed came from decided that all the top bunk rails needed to be 1/8" longer than the slots they were to fit into. Of course it took us over an hour to figure this out seeing as there were other obstructions as well, however it has now been decided that a hack saw and a filer should not be necessary tools to build an IKEA-esque bunk bed. Adventures galore!
And now it is time for bed. I have an evily early morning tomorrow and have not been getting as much sleep as I require to function properly. Thus shall I leave things here. Hopefully I can get back into the game, but we shall see!
Breaking the Silence
5 weeks ago
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